Tuesday 22 March 2011

On Blogging

I know. What you're all thinking (myself included) is that the last thing this world needs is yet another blog about blogging. It's terribly self-referential, self-important, and more often than not just incredibly annoying. But here we are.

The truth is this: I have tremendous respect for regular, thoughtful bloggers.

How many times have I begun blogs that didn't last past the third, or second, or sometimes even first entry? How many of my friends can say the same thing? Sure, I tweet, I use facebook, but both of those actions are almost entirely mindless and require a 4-second attention span. This activity, on the other hand, actually requires a bit more thought for quite a bit longer. (I have to admit, I got completely distracted by a bird outside the window for about half a minute in the middle of the past sentence... even only this far in. Really, brain?) Well, at least it requires it for longer. We all wish that everyone would use a bit more thought.

I recently read a surprisingly interesting blog post about blogging (if I can somehow find it again, I'll eventually put a link in here... not happening easily right now), where the author spoke of the blogger's duty to his or her readers. To keep going, to make their writing interesting, truthful and relevant, and to maintain some sort of consistent tone so that their readers know how to interact with what they publish. I found myself thinking what a great post it was, how wonderful this blogger was, and how rubbish all of those terrible, uneven, mindless blogs were that clutter up the internet, un-updated and without sense...

Then I looked in the mirror.

Fine. New commitment. New blog. (Well, considering this one only had one post of one line... essentially new). All going along with my still new-ish city.

Let's see how we do.


  1. Hi

    I have a question: are you the same Sarah B. Vander Ploeg who wrote "Yearning for a God Beyond the Church: Religious Paradox in van Gogh's Nuenen Church Towers" a millon years ago ???

    well, if you are that Sarah, I have to say thank you so much for such a interesting and well founded article (which I just found) with conclutions that seems obvious at first sight but which are not at all (at all !!), and which help me with my own works about art =)

    Of course I was not surprised when I learned you are an artist.. and a great one !

    congratulations for your talent (that strange word) and thanks again.

    from Chile.


    pd: sorry for my lame english

  2. Dear Felipe -

    I am both amazed and a bit embarrassed that you found my Van Gogh research project... and am mostly just grateful that it's proven to actually be helpful to you! Yes, that was eons ago, back when I was just starting to figure out how to do research and write about art. So, thank you for your very kind words. I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that that project has helped someone else in this crazy, strange artistic world.

    Thank YOU.

    Gratefully, and with affection,

    P.S. Please don't apologize for your lovely English - I promise you that my Spanish is much, much worse!
